About Us
From science to the construction of magnifying glasses
Our names are Viktoria and Wilfried Pauli. We are both PhD biologists and are the driving force behind LilScope. Over the past 20+ years, we have always tried to teach our own 4 children about nature and also about the secret world of the tiny beings. Armed with magnifying cups and glasses, nature was inspected and the microcosm was explored with fascination.


...and now
The attempt to adopt more up to date technology led to the development of the first prototypes of LilScope - small macro lenses that fit on any cell phone. The positive response from children and the demand among adults to add magnifying optics to the phone’s camera encouraged us to perfect our first designs.
As biologists very familiar with magnifying glasses and microscopes for many years, we now pursue the common objective to exploit the potential of smartphone cameras. LilScope fits in any pocket and is multi-functional:
- With just a few simple actions, your smartphone becomes a digital magnifying glass or microscope - In everyday life, the lenses replace magnifying glasses
- Children discover the fascinating world of the microcosm
- For amateur photographers LilScope opens the door to the world of the tiny unnoticed things
- It gives eBay product photography a new dimension and helps to combine the smartphones with pedagogic-didactical valuable activities.